The Gerbil Bootstrap

Gerbil is fully self-hosted, with both its compiler and runtime 100% written in itself. So how does it all fit together?

Overview of Bootstrapping in General

At all times, a bootstrapped language keeps alongside the source code of its implementation (runtime and compiler), written in the language itself, a precompiled "bootstrap" version of its implementation, sufficient to build the current version. This "bootstrap" version is either source code in a host language, or object code for a host environment or collection of host environments (typically, either a single bytecode binary for a VM implemented in C, or a series of executables for each of many supported platforms, e.g. each of Linux, Windows, macOS on each of x86-64, aa64, etc.).

When building the bootstrapped language, we start from the host language or environment, use it to build and run the bootstrap version of the implementation, with which build the current version of the implementation. That current version can at times be blessed as a new bootstrap implementation.

A bootstrapped implementation is in contrast with a cross-implementation: an implementation manually written in a host language that differs from the target language being implemented. Confusingly, the host language is often called the meta-language when talking about a compiler, or the base language when talking a runtime or an interpreter, even though meta- and base- are used as mutual opposites in such context.

Every bootstrapped implementation started with a regular cross-implementation as its bootstrap implementation, though that cross-implementation may have long since been superseded by many subsequent compiled versions where the manually written host code was replaced by code automatically generated from source code in the bootstrapped language.

In the case of Gerbil, we use Gambit Scheme as a host language, and we keep a precompiled bootstrap implementation in the directory GERBIL_SRCDIR/src/bootstrap/.

Pros and Cons of Bootstrapping

Pros of Bootstrapping

There are many advantages to bootstrapping the implementation of a programming language:

  • You can use all the features of your language while developping it, instead of being stuck with another language, necessarily unsatisfying in enough ways that you're developing a different one.

  • You don't have to rely on other people with respect to the implementation language: bugs, tooling, standards, compatibility, release cycles, etc. You can do it all yourself!

  • If there is a language or compiler feature you wish you had while developing your implementation, you can first implement it then later use it to write further features or rewrite existing ones.

  • You don't have to cultivate and simultaneously hold in your head two different languages, their semantics, pragmatics, libraries, and colloquial styles as you develop your implementation.

Cons of Bootstrapping

There are also a few disadvantages to bootstrapping the implementation of a programming language:

  • Once you bootstrap, you forfeit any advanced feature or tooling of your previous cross-implementation's host language that you haven't yet reimplemented in your own language.

  • You can't rely on other people with respect to the implementation language: bugs, tooling, standards, compatibility, release cycles, etc. You must do it all yourself!

  • You must follow strict constraints (detailed below for Gerbil) to ensure that at any time you have a working bootstrap implementation capable of running all programs in your language including your current implementation.

  • In particular, when making changes to implementation, you cannot make incompatible changes to any feature used by the implementation itself: renaming a function, deleting anything, modifying some encoding, etc. Changes must be introduced in several steps, each generation maintaining compatibility with both the immediate previous and next generations.

  • The semantics of your language, the meaning of programs written in it, become more difficult to assess by either humans or automated analyses, each time you regenerate the bootstrap implementation.

  • In some rare but egregious cases, unintended bugs introduced in one version of the code can cause problems after several "generations" of bootstrapping especially in the case of insufficient regression testing, causing a lot of confusion and ultimately necessitating for developers to "go back in time" and run again a potentially long chain of bootstrap versions each suitably fixed.

  • In extreme cases, malicious behavior can be deliberately hidden in the bootstrap implementation without visible trace in the source code. See Ken Thompson's famous 1984 Turing Award Lecture "Reflections on Trusting Trust".

The Chain of Trust

The last point on "trusting trust" has implications, whereby the security of your software against "supply chain attacks" depends on a chain of trust that includes your host environment and every part of your language implementation. Gerbil's choice of bootstrapping with Gambit Scheme as a host language has several implications:

  • There is no precompiled binary involved, nor will there ever be one. The bootstrap is purely source based, which means you can actually read and audit the bootstrap sources in Gambit Scheme. That code is not pretty, yet remains readable and amenable to audit; if you feel so inclined you may take a look at GERBIL_SRCDIR/src/bootstrap.

  • Just like Gerbil bootstraps from precompiled Gambit code, Gambit bootstraps from precompiled C code. This is also auditable, albeit not an easy read.

  • The bootstrap chain is anchored on the C compiler. Ultimately, If you trust your C compiler, then you can verifiably trust the Gerbil bootstrap.

For the Gerbil core team, where we all use GCC, this can be summarized in a quotable one liner:

In GNU we trust; everyone else pays cash.

The Long and Arduous History of Bootstrap

The first version of the Gerbil, let’s call that the proto-Gerbil, was bootstrapped by vyzo a long time ago using a hand-written unhygienic interpreter for the core language. Once that was done, vyzo wrote the expander and the first version of the compiler, then the expander expanded the compiler and the compiler compiled the expander and itself... and Gerbil was born.

Initially, the runtime was written in Gambit with a set of macros; that was called gx-gambc. In the v0.18 release cycle, where Gerbil became fully self hosted, all the traces have disappeared from the source tree, as they are dead code. They still exist in the repo’s commit history if you want to do some historical research and peek into the deep past to understand the evolution of Gerbil.

How Gerbil Builds Itself

The build process can be summarized in the following steps:

  1. configure configures the system and creates
  2. make invokes the top level build script
  3. sources and dispatches to the worker build script.
  4. The worker sets up the build environment and proceeds in stages:
    1. the build directory structure is prepared
    2. Gambit is bootstrapped and built.
    3. the boot-gxi shim is compiled using gcc.
    4. the Gerbil bootstrap is compiled to object code using gsc (stage 0).
    5. the Gerbil core system and universal binary is compiled using the bootstrap compiler with boot-gxi (stage 1).
    6. the newly compiled gerbil binary compiles the rest of the system.

Practical Matters

Recompiling the Bootstrap

If you have made non-breaking changes to the core runtime, prelude, expander, or the compiler itself, then you may also want to update the precompiled bootstrap modules (e.g. because of a bug fix).

This can be accomplished with the following incantations in $GERBIL_SRCDIR/src:

$ cd src

# nuke the old bootstrap
$ rm -rf bootstrap/*

# copy the builtin ssxi module
$ mkdir -p bootstrap/gerbil
$ cp gerbil/ bootstrap/gerbil

# compile the bootstrap with the current installed compiler
$ gxc -O -d bootstrap -s -S gerbil/core/{runtime,expander,sugar,mop,macro-object,match,more-sugar,more-syntax-sugar,module-sugar}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/runtime/{gambit,util,table,control,system,c3,mop,error,interface,hash,thread,syntax,eval,repl,loader,init}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/expander/{common,stx,core,top,module,compile,root,stxcase}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/compiler/{base,compile,optimize-base,optimize-xform,optimize-top,optimize-spec,optimize-ann,optimize-call,optimize,driver,ssxi}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/

Recursively Recompiling the bootstrap

If you have made incompatible changes (see strictures below) in the core, the simple recompilation approach outlined above is insufficient. What you want to do in this case is a recursive bootstrap recompilation.

  • First build the base bootstrap, using your extant gxc (either latest master or previous recursive bootstrap in your branch), without generating the cross module optimization meta modules:
$ cd src
$ rm -rf bootstrap/*
$ gxc -no-ssxi -O -d bootstrap -s -S gerbil/core/{runtime,expander,sugar,mop,macro-object,match,more-sugar,more-syntax-sugar,module-sugar}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/runtime/{gambit,util,table,control,system,c3,mop,error,interface,hash,thread,syntax,eval,repl,loader,init}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/expander/{common,stx,core,top,module,compile,root,stxcase}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/compiler/{base,compile,optimize-base,optimize-xform,optimize-top,optimize-spec,optimize-ann,optimize-call,optimize,driver,ssxi}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/

If you have made changes in the compiler optimizer meta and the extant compiler does not accept your code (or generates broken code), you may want to try without optimizations:

$ gxc -d bootstrap -s -S gerbil/core/{runtime,expander,sugar,mop,macro-object,match,more-sugar,more-syntax-sugar,module-sugar}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/runtime/{gambit,util,table,control,system,c3,mop,error,interface,hash,thread,syntax,eval,repl,loader,init}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/expander/{common,stx,core,top,module,compile,root,stxcase}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/compiler/{base,compile,optimize-base,optimize-xform,optimize-top,optimize-spec,optimize-ann,optimize-call,optimize,driver,ssxi}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/

Otherwise, you are likely violating some of the bootstrap strictures; see below.

Once you have compiled the base bootstrap, you can proceed to build stage1:

$ ../ stage0
$ ../ stage1

If you compiled the base bootstrap without optimization, you will also have to set GERBIL_BUILD_NOOPT during the stage1 build:

$ GERBIL_BUILD_NOOPT=t ../ stage1

After you have built stage1, you can use it to build the recursive bootstrap, generating the cross module optimization meta modules this time.

$ cd src
$ rm -rf bootstrap/*
$ mkdir -p bootstrap/gerbil
$ cp gerbil/ bootstrap/gerbil
$ ../ env gxc -O -d bootstrap -s -S gerbil/core/{runtime,expander,sugar,mop,macro-object,match,more-sugar,more-syntax-sugar,module-sugar}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/runtime/{gambit,util,table,control,system,c3,mop,error,interface,hash,thread,syntax,eval,repl,loader,init}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/expander/{common,stx,core,top,module,compile,root,stxcase}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/compiler/{base,compile,optimize-base,optimize-xform,optimize-top,optimize-spec,optimize-ann,optimize-call,optimize,driver,ssxi}.ss gerbil/ gerbil/

And you have a brand new recursive bootstrap you can use. From here on, you can successively recursively bootstrap using the second step and the previous compiler, until you are satisfied with your handiwork and succeed in bootstrapping your changes.

Strictures on Modifying Parts of the Gerbil Bootstrap

Every change to the Gerbil Bootstrap must be API-compatible from one version to the next: both the old and new versions of Gerbil (before and after recompiling the bootstrap) must be able to use them.

You can make API-incompatible changes from one version to another version, but this must necessarily involve several steps each of which will be API-compatible:

  • First, you cannot make any backward-incompatible API change, such as changing the calling convention of a function or macro e.g. so you must use a symbol instead of a string, or a 1-based index instead of a 0-based index, etc.
  • You could modify a function to temporarily accept either a symbol or string and do a conversion inside; but you obviously cannot determine whether an user-provided index should be interpreted as 1-based or 0-based.
  • The solution is to create a new API with new names that must absolutely not clash with the old names. Add a suffix or prefix such as *, /2 or %, or take the opportunity to give functions better and/or more systematic names.
  • The old API will temporarily coexist with use the new API.
  • When shared data structures are involved, the old API as called by the previous bootstrap implementation may have to be reimplemented in terms of the new API used by the next generation.
  • The internal representations used by the new API may thus have to include extra information needed by the old API that it doesn’t need, or the new API may have to maintain two redundant representations together, until after the old API is removed. This extra information or redundant representation can be removed in a later phase.
  • You can use the old bootstrap implementation to generate a next version of the bootstrap implementation that uses the new API, while the old API remains available to the old version.
  • In one or many iterations, you can make sure the old API is not used anywhere anymore in Gerbil and its libraries.
  • Only after you bootstrapped a version of Gerbil that does not at all use the old API, you may wholly remove that old API: this is now a backward-compatible change.
  • If for some reason you really like the old name or hate the new name, and “just” want to make an incompatible API change, the name is made available anew after the old API was wholly removed and a version that doesn’t use it has been bootstrapped into existence. You may therefore start a new cycle of API changes as above to modify the API to use this now-available-again name.
  • As a cultural requirement meant to facilitate semantic analysis and a well-founded reproducible and debuggable bootstrapping history, we ask you to commit a separate PR for each phase of such an API change, such that each committed version of Gerbil can be compiled by the immediate previous one (but usually not by arbitrary older ones, which would be overconstraining and prevent refactoring and progress).

These strictures mean that you must stage your changes in multiple commits, and regenerate the bootstrap compiler at each step.


If you have been making changes in the core system and building a new bootstrap, you might have some bugs and need to debug. The gerbil build script is modular, which allows you to build certain stages at will and supports serveral commands:

  • prepare prepares the build environment.
  • gambit bootstraps and builds Gambit.
  • boot-gxi builds and bootstrap gxi shim.
  • stage0 builds the Gerbil bootstrap.
  • stage1 builds the Gerbil core modules and the gerbil universal binary (aka Bach, affectionally named after the great composer of timeless music).
  • stdlib builds the Gerbil standard library.
  • libgerbil builds the Gerbil (shared) library; this includes the Gerbil runtime, prelude, expander and compiler, together with the entiry of stdlib.
  • lang builds the bundled alternative language preludes.
  • r7rs-large builds the R7RS large libraries included in Gerbil.
  • srfi builds the top level srfi package shims.
  • tools builds the gerbil tools.
  • tags builds a TAGS file for the Gerbil sources so that you can easily navigate code in emacs.
  • env applies the arguments in the build environment.

So if you have made changes and want to rebuild gerbil, you don’t have to redo everything from scratch with make; you can simply build the stage you want, and once you are satisfied you can move to the next stage or push your branch so that CI does the job for you.

If you have introduced a bug and gerbil crashes, do not despair. You can simply run with gdb and get the exact location of the crash to pinpoint the bug.

Here is an example from debugging a real crash during development:

$ ./ stdlib
[*] Building gerbil stdlib
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

$ ./ env gdb gerbil
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from gerbil...
(gdb) r ./std/
Starting program: /home/vyzo/gerbil/build/bin/gerbil ./std/
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
___H_gerbil____runtime____gambit (___ps=0x7ffff7eda000 <___gstate0>) at /home/vyzo/gerbil/build/lib/static/gerbil__runtime__gambit.scm:4
4	  (define ##max-char (let () (declare (not safe)) (##max-char-code))))

Once you have successfully debugged and finished the build, you should run the tests:

$ ./ env gerbil test ./...

And that’s it! Happy Hacking.